For those of you who completed 16.1 on Friday, well done! Standings for the Team Bc vs. Team Hatch Challenge will be posted Monday. If you have not completed 16.1, you will have time to do so during class on Saturday, open gym on Sunday (8am-10am) or Monday if need be.
Team WOD
Teams of three – 20 minute AMRAP – Continue up the ladder, going as far as possible:
Reps of 5-10-15-20-25 etc..
- Calorie Row
- Kettlebell Swings (60#/44#)
- Hollow Rocks
This will be follow the leader style. Once partner A completes the 5 calorie row, Partner B will hop on the rower to complete his/her 5 calorie row. Partner C will follow Partner B. Teammates may not be working at the same station. Continue up the ladder, adding 5 reps per round until the 20 minutes is up.