Overhand Grip Deadlift:
- 6 X 3 @ 8-9 RPE [first work set is heavy. Small increases in load each set if possible, leading to last set at a 9 RPE]
A) 6 Rounds For Time:
- 12 Push-Ups[ Advanced: Deficit, Intermediate: Hand Release, Scale: Modified]
- 12 KB Swings [ADV: 60/44. INT: 53/35. Scale: 35/20]
- 12 Goblet Hold Step-Ups[ Same as KB Swing]
— Record Time, Take 3-5 minutes to Recover, then
B) Aerobic Capacity/ Endurance Work
- 1 X 750 meter Row @ 8 RPE, rest 90 seconds
- 1 X 500 meter row @ 9 RPE, rest 60 seconds
- 1 X 250 meter row As fast as possible
— Rowing can be substituted with running if desired[800 meter, 400 meter, 200 meter]