This Sunday Coach Stephen Barrett, who has a certification in CrossFit Gymanstics, will be putting on a FREE hour long gymnastics workshop for anyone who is interested. Steve will focus on keeping things “tight and light” in the hollow and arch positions, and he will explain how these positions translate to add fluidity to some of the more advanced gymnastics movements like toes-2-bar, kipping pull-ups, dips, and muscle-ups.
Following the gymnastics workshop, there will be a 45 minute long RomWOD session for those who would like to partake.
Partner WOD
With a partner, complete for time:
- 800m Run – Together
- 30 Power Cleans (155/103) – Alternate every 5 reps
- 60 Pull-ups – Alt. every 10
- 90 Box Jumps – Alt. every 15
- 120 Kb Swings – Alt. every 20
- 90 Box Jumps – Alt. every 15
- 60 Pull-ups – Alt. every 10
- 30 Power Cleans – Alt. every 5
- 800m Run – Together