Reminder that there will be NO CLASS on Saturday August 13th. Come check out the 2016 Battle for the Hill at the Illinois State Fairgrounds!
Unilateral Strength
A1. 3 x 10/10 One-armed Kb Strict Press (10 each arm) – As heavy as possible
A2. 3 x 20 One-Armed Overhead Lunge (Switch arms after ten lunges) – As heavy as possible
Partner WOD
Rx’d –
A. 12 alternating rounds (6 each partner) for time:
- 18/15 Calorie Row
- 9 Bar Hopping Burpees
-Rest 5 minutes-
B. For time:
- 36 Calorie Row
- 18 Bar Hopping Burpees
A. 12 alternating rounds (6 each partner) for time:
12/9 Calorie Row
6 Bar Hopping Burpees
-Rest 5 minutes-
B. For time:
24 Calorie Row
12 Bar Hopping Burpees
Post your individual time for part B on SugarWOD.