A. 5-5-5 @ 65%-75%-85% of 5RM
3-3-3 @ 90%-95%-100% 5RM
B. 2 Deadlifts @ 90% 5RM every :30 for 4 minutes (8 sets)
In a 4 minute window, complete the following:
- 35/30 Calorie Row
- 15 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)
- Max Rep Toes-2-Bar
Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Complete 3 rounds. Score is total number of Toes-2-Bar completed for all three rounds.
*Scaling: Row to 25/20 cals, 10 burpee box jumps, and sub knee ups or Abmat sit-ups for Toes-2-Bar