Congratulations to Ryan Davison, the Athlete of the Month for February! Ryan, a staple of the 5:00am class, has been nothing but a committed member since joining us at C3, and the results are obviously there. Ryan has worked diligently to not only improve his strength and conditioning in the gym, but to also get his diet in check outside of the gym. Ryan has gone from, dare I say, flab to fab, and now often gets mistaken for Jason Statham. Congratulations Ryan, and congratulations to the entire Davison family for making health and well being a top priority!
1. In general, what is your background?
I was born and raised in Rockford,IL. Graduated from SIU Carbondale. It was there I met Katie and fooled her in to kinda liking me. We have three sons Arthur 10, Isaac 7, Dictator 2 (I meant Jacob). The older two go to Dominate and the youngest is too busy plotting to ruin our marriage.
2.Age, Occupation?
41, The Creasey Construction of IL
3. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
I can easily answer. Jan Creasey. For both how and why.
4. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
Well….take a good look at my before picture for starts. I was, to eloquently put it, well marbled. So in turn, it has also definitely changed my diet. On most days my arms hurt too bad to open the fridge, or put a fork up to my mouth.
5. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
Hands down (literally) Handstand Walks. I feel like it could greatly benefit mundane household tasks.
6. Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
Beer Mile
7. What is your least favorite WOD to date?
That WOD last week 30-20-10 with every possible Crossfit movement sticks out.
8. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
The people. At first I was apprehensive. I guess I pictured it to be full of spray tanned, for lack of a better term, d-bags. I couldn’t have been more wrong. This gym is filled with a bunch of real people. That’s why we are the best!
9. Favorite movement?
The last one on any given WOD.
10. Least favorite movement?
Next to the “leg swing/body flop out of bed” I do at 4:30AM, my least favorite movement is wall balls. They give me motion sickness. Seriously. I have problems.