May 2018 Athlete of the Month – Shad Shymansky

Congratulations to Shad Shymansky, our May Athlete of the Month.  Shad and his wife Angie have been consistent members of the C3 Community for three and a half years.  Shad has always had a great work ethic, but in the past 12 months we have seen Shad’s motivation go through the roof, which in turn has led to some great results in the gym. Shad has seen not only his body change, but also his strength increase and endurance improve.  Shad has been putting his fitness to the test, as he competed in the CrossFit Open for the first time this year, and just a few weeks ago at the Festivus Games in Chatham, where he took 3rd place in the Masters Division.  Congratulations Shad! 

1. In general, what is your background?
  • Spent 8 years in the USMC. Married Angie Shymansky, we have four beautiful children; Sydney 23, Shyanne 20, Skylar 18 & Seager 15. Three of the four have been members of C3 and Seager will be coming back after his broken collar bone is healed. I love to ride my BMW GSA 1200 any chance I get……Psalms 23! Semper Fidelis!!
2.Age, Occupation?
  • Age 47 for one more month, State of Illinois Revenue Special Agent/Jack of all trades, Master of none. 
3. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
  • Steve Tabb , who was a member at the time, encouraged me to come in and try it. I told my wife Angie that I had signed us up for CrossFit, we completed on ramp, then I told her I really didn’t sign us up, I just wanted to see if she would get up and go. We have been members of the 6AM class ever since Nov 2014 and love it. 
4. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
  • It has made me healthier and has made me feel better about myself. It has changed the way I eat. As far as level of fitness I would say that I have always been somewhat fit, but as I was getting older I felt that fitness level dropping and wanted to do something about it.
5. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
  • I would like to get muscle ups and double unders. 
6. Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
  • Any WOD in memory of a fallen military hero. Without their ultimate sacrifice, we would not be free. All gave some and some gave all.
7. What is your least favorite WOD to date?
  • Fran because I hate thrusters.
8. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
  • The gym members and their willingness to encourage each other. This place is addicting.
9. Favorite exercise?
  • Toes-2-Bar and Pull Ups
10. Least favorite exercise?
  • Thrusters


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