Partner WOD
With a partner, complete the following for time:
- 800m Burden Run
- 80 Partner Wall Balls
- 40 Power Cleans
- 600m Burden Run
- 60 Partner Wall Balls
- 30 Power Cleans
- 400m Burden Run
- 40 Partner Wall Balls
- 20 Power Cleans
- For the “Burden Run” – Both partners run together, one carrying a medicine ball. At the turnaround point for each run, partners will switch who is carrying the med ball. If partners must use two different Wall Ball weights, the heaviest of the two will be carried.
- Partner Wall Balls will be completed by alternating reps, passing the Wall Ball off the wall. If partners must use two different Wall Ball weights, alternate every ten reps.
- Partners must alternate every five reps for the Power Cleans. The weight will increase every round.
- Wall Balls:
- Rx’d: 20#/14#
- Intermediate: 16#/10#
- Scaled: 12#/8#
- Power Cleans:
- Rx’d: 135#/83# → 155#/103# → 185#/123#
- Intermediate: 95#/73# → 115#/83# → 135#/103#
- Scaled: 75#/53# → 95#/63# → 115#/73#