A1. 5 x 3 Deadlift @ 80% 1RM
- Rest :60
A2. 5 x 10/10 Unilateral KB Sit-ups
- Rest :60
10 minute AMRAP:
- 2 Strict Handstand Push-ups
- 2 Alternating Weighted Box Step-ups (2 x 50#/35# to 20″/18″ box)
- 4 Strict HSPU
- 4 Step-ups
- 6 Strict HSPU
- 6 Step-ups
- 8 Strict HSPU
- 8 Step-ups
- 10 Strict HSPU
- 10 Step-ups
*If you get through the round of tens, start back at the beginning with the twos.
Score is total number of reps completed. Compare to June 16th, 2017.