Team WOD
“Sasquatch” from CompTrain
In a team of three complete the following for time (30:00 Time Cap):
- 250 Clean and Jerks
At the 0:00-5:00-10:00-15:00-20:00 complete the following:
- 45/30 Calorie Row
- 30 Toes-2-Bar
The weight of the 250 Clean and Jerks will increase Every 50 Reps..
- 95#/63#
- 115#/83#
- 135#/93#
- 155#/103#
- 185#/123#
- Adjust the starting Clean and Jerk weight to something you can complete 20 unbroken reps with (light) and build slowly from there.
- Scale the Rowing to 30/20 Calories and the T-2-B to 20 reps or 30 knee ups.