Congratulations to Erin Poppenhouse, our Athlete of the Month for September 2018! Erin has been at C3 for nearly three years. In that time she has seen her body, fitness, and overall health improve greatly. Erin is a spirited member of the C3 Community. She brings a positive and encouraging presence to every class she attends. One thing that stands out with Erin is that she makes her workouts a priority, making time for the gym no matter what her busy schedule look likes. Another great quality that has not gone unnoticed is that Erin does not settle, as she is always willing to put in the extra work to improve her gymnastics and lifting. Erin has made great strides in the past year. She has put her abilities to the test by competing in her first two competitions, the CrossFit Open, and the RowRaiser, all within the last nine months. Keep up the great work Erin!
1. In general, what is your background?
I grew up in Springfield and ended up in a long-distance relationship with this guy named Ty. We dated for 7 years before he finally popped the question! We’ve been married for 10 years this past May and have two beautiful, strong girls, Parker (6) and Presley (4).
2. Age and occupation?
I’m 36 and am the Office Manager at PJP Autos here in Springfield. Work like a boss, act like a boss. #bosslady
3. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
The Filipiak’s & Creasey’s joined this AMAZING gym that they wouldn’t shut-up about! lol… Seriously though, thanks to them I joined C3!
I started CrossFit because I wasn’t making time for myself. I was a mother of 2 (my youngest was 5 months old), a wife, friend, boss, etc. My titles were growing, everything else was put first, my time was spread way too thin and I was leaving nothing for myself. I knew it was time to make a change and I hoped CrossFit would be it. I tried other programs in the past but nothing ever stuck. I’d get bored with the gym or the class and there wasn’t anything else keeping me there. I’d start to go less and less and never would get back into it.
4. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
After my second daughter was born, I had a hard time getting everything to flow. I couldn’t wrap my head around my added responsibilities and had a super hard time with my schedule. I’m a planner. Not having a plan isn’t an option. I was just feeling lost. I decided to put myself first. On January 5, 2015 I started On Ramp and the rest is history. I’ve figured out adding gym time to my daily schedule makes it become routine and easier to maintain. Thanks to my amazing husband for always supporting and encouraging me. Love you babe.
5. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish.
I love PRs!… Not only do they show your strengths, they also highlight your achievements. I’m currently working on stringing together my pull-ups and toes-to-bar. I haven’t quite figured out the movement to link them and currently just struggle through singles.
6. Favorite Crossfit moment(s) so far?
My best most favorite CrossFit moment(s) have been competing in my first competitions. First, at J5 Winter Wodderland (January 2018) and then XLT Summer Knight’s Showdown (July 2018). I worked with Katie Davison & Jess Huff… LOVE my girls! We placed 11th and then improved to 7th in the Scaled Division at both comps. I’m so proud of us! We work really well together. We learned our strengths and played those to our advantage as a team! I’m proud of all the work we put in and how much fun we had! My teammates are my swolemates and I can’t wait to compete with them again! Love you ladies! xoxo #momjeansandpowercleans #waterwingsandpowercleans
7. What is your least favorite WOD to date?
Helen (running and pull-ups… yuck!)
8. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
All you people!!! The love and support you feel when you’re at the end of a WOD and you’re being cheered on as you finish is the best! There’s no words that can describe the support everyone gives you. It’s an amazing community and I’m so happy to be a part of C3! Shout out to Brian and Morgs for always pushing me to do more than I think I’m capable of! I love you guys for that! Thanks to Scott and #noonclass for welcoming me with open arms, when my schedule changed. I look forward to my midday break! You guys make the class fun and make me want to be better!
9. Favorite exercise?
Deadlift… Pulled my 1RM 285#PR at my first competition!
10. Least favorite exercise?
Snatches… I struggle with the form and it leaves me feeling discouraged.