October 2018 Athlete of the Month – JD Reynolds

Congratulations to JD Reynolds, our October 2018 Athlete of the Month!  JD started at C3 in the summer of 2016, and from the get-go, he has remained consistent with his attendance, coming five times per week.  JD is a motivated athlete and is always striving to get better.  He has improved his strength, endurance, and gymnastics skills by never letting challenges deter him.  Instead, he pushes his limits.

C3 has become a family affair for JD, and you’ll often find him and his wife Joy attending class and Saturday morning partner workouts together.  You may have also noticed JD helping his stepson, Greg, participate in mini-WODS as well.  Joy and JD recently welcomed their second son, Ezekiel, to their family, and he’s also began participating at C3 as an active observer and cheerleader for his parents!  JD (and Joy) provides a positive example of a healthy lifestyle to Greg and Ezekiel, and he is a valued member of our C3 Community!

1. In general, what is your background?

I was born in Rushville, IL and graduated high school from Beardstown, IL, both small towns located approx. an hour West of Springfield. I received a degree from Southern Illinois University: Edwardsville where I then joined the United States Marine Corps for 4 years. Since leaving active duty I have worked for the State of Illinois. I am currently married to fellow C3 member Joy Klas Reynolds, and we have two sons.

2. Age, Occupation?

33, I currently work as a Lab Associate for the Illinois EPA. It is very exciting.

3. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?

I learned about Crossift in 2008 when I joined the military, but didn’t start until 2009 while stationed in Okinawa, Japan. Crossfit somewhat mimics the group dynamic of military physical training, which helped to keep me engaged.

4. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?

It isn’t an exaggeration to say it has greatly changed my life. It, combined with my time in the military, gave me a greater appreciation for physical fitness. It has done wonders to increase my self-confidence, and the group dynamic does a lot to counter my introverted nature. It is hard to imagine I would try even half as hard as I do now without it.

5. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.

Coming up on nearly a decade of this I’ve managed to become somewhat capable of preforming almost every movement, leaving perhaps handstand walks or strict muscle-ups as the final goal. I don’t really have any significant weight goals at this point, seeing the numbers on a lift increase is always nice, but ultimately, I am showing up to remain active for the next 2-3 decades, so I can participate in activities with my family.

6. Favorite CrossFit moment so far?

Probably my first muscle-up. Honestly, I can’t really give a good one, every day is pain. The positive moments for me aren’t really workout related aside from occasionally beating someone that usually beats me 9 out of 10 WODs. While I wasn’t there to witness it, Braeden applauding 9/11 made me laugh.

7. What is your least favorite WOD to date?

So many awful WODs. Probably anything I can’t do RX’d because it makes me feel weak. This last Murph sucked pretty hard.

8. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?

I think this is the same for everyone. If you weren’t here for the community you’d be at Planet Fitness or some other boring ass Globo-Gym. I get most excited for Saturday workouts because you get to see everyone, followed by the occasional parties and holiday themed get together and workouts. The atmosphere allows me to bring my kids, and not have to constantly worry about them because I know other kids and parents are present to monitor, distract, and entertain them.

9. Favorite exercise?

Laying down in front of the fan, followed by bitching about the WOD, and Dumbbell Push Press, because apparently, I am good at them for some reason.

10. Least favorite exercise?

Exercise in general. Followed by Overhead Squads, and all the other stuff that is like an overhead squat: Snatch, Snatch Squats, Hand Stand Push-Ups, Adult Responsibilities. Also, Pistols, because F that Noise.

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