Congratulations to Joe Reidy, our February 2019 Athlete of the Month. Joe is hard working, father of (soon-to-be) three daughters. He and his wife, Maddy, have been members at C3 for nearly four years now. Joe is well-liked throughout the entire C3 Community because of the positive attitude he brings to every class he attends. Joe is not only focused on his own work at the gym, he is also very encouraging to those around him. As a Springfield Police Officer, Joe understands the importance of being able to handle himself physically and mentally in tough situations. Joe has encouraged several of his co-workers to take the importance of their fitness seriously and partake in CrossFit as well. Joe has challenged himself as an athlete by competing in the Festivus Games and is always a willing volunteer and top-notch judge at C3’s CrossFit competitions. Joe sets a strong example for his daughters, who can often be found with him at the gym witnessing his commitment to his health and fitness first hand. Congratulation Joe, and keep up the great work!
In general, what is your background?
I am from Clinton, IL (about 45 miles east of Springfield). I moved to Springfield when I took a job with the Springfield Police Department 10 years ago. I am married to Maddy Cunningham-Reidy and have two daughters (Brylee and Fyhleigh) with another girl on the way in April! (I’m in trouble and severely out numbered!!)
Age, Occupation?
35, Police Officer for the Springfield Police Department.
How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
At the time I was just dating Maddy, she was interested in trying CrossFit. Initially I was against it because I did not believe all the hype around CrossFit. Against my better judgement, I agreed to go to On Ramp with her and the rest is history. I started drinking the Kool-Aid immediately there after.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
CrossFit has completely changed my outlook on fitness. In the past I went to the gym and worked out but it would only last for so long before I was bored with what I was doing. CrossFit has given me the programming and motivation to make the gym a priority in my life. I am not happy when I miss a day. The gym is a priority in my everyday routine.
Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
I would like to someday be able to do some ring muscle ups and be more proficient in hand stand push ups and all forms of pull ups.
Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
This would probably be the day I got my first bar muscle up. It had been a goal of mine for some time and one day everything just came together and I nailed it.
What is your least favorite WOD to date?
Any WOD with any form of a burpee!!!!!
What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
The Community, DUH!! The people at the gym have been by far the best part of joining. I have made life long friends from C3 and I can’t thank everyone there everyday for pushing me to push myself harder than I would on my own. It truly is a family and I love all of you.
Favorite exercise?
Probably the Clean and Jerk. It is a strong movement for me and I am very proud of the progression I have made with this lift.
Least favorite exercise?
See question above……..hands down the burpee. I hate these with a passion. I hope to feel more comfortable with these some day but I have to put the extra work in to get there.