Congratulations to Tim Healy, our Athlete of the Month for August! Tim, an accomplished hockey player and family man, has been at Capital City CrossFit for a year and a half now. Since joining, Tim has been a consistent, hard working member of the C3 community. What stands out most about Tim is the enthusiasm he brings to every class he attends. Tim, a team player and a friend to everybody, is genuinely supportive to everyone at C3 whether he’s known them for years or just meeting them for the first time.
Tim is a very coachable athlete, as he is willing to slow things down to learn the movements correctly. Despite battling some minor injuries, he continues to show up with a can-do attitude and does what he can to make himself better.
Tim has also spread the CrossFit gospel to the rest of his immediate family, making the Healy’s a C3 Power Family. His wife Ann, daughter Mary Helen, and son Jack are fun, energetic, and supportive members of the C3 Family.
Congratulations Tim for the well deserved honor!
1. In general, what is your background?
I am a Springfield native, played hockey at, and graduated from, St Norbert College in De Pere, WI. I am married to C3 member Ann Healy! Ann is a teacher at Blessed Sacrament School. We have 3 children: Kate, Jack and Mary Helen. Kate is in grad school at Vanderbilt, and Jack and Mary Helen are at the University of Illinois.
2. Age, Occupation?
I am 54 years old and have been a Financial Adviser with Edward Jones in Springfield for the past 19 years.
3. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
I had been hearing about CrossFit and C3 for years from my cousin Randy Held (self-proclaimed C3 Hall of Famer!). I had gotten Randy into Triathlons and he was always on me to come to C3. I also play hockey with Flip and Kris Harris who were kept telling me I need to give it a try. I had been a downtown Y guy for a long, long time, but CrossFit always intrigued me, and I really enjoy watching the CrossFit games each year. I guess it was the combination of all these things that made me decide to give it a try. Once I did, I was hooked and have loved it, and have recruited other family members and friends.
4. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
My wife Ann joined C3 right about the time our youngest child left for college. It has been a great thing for us as a couple. We usually do the workouts together, talk about the workouts at night and the next day’s upcoming workout. It has taken the place of cheering our kids on in their various sports that seemed to happen almost 7 days a week.
5. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
As an “older” athlete my goal is just one of maintaining overall health. Other than this, I really don’t have any specific goals. However, being able to continue competing with Flip and Harris on the ice does, no doubt, gives me a little motivation though!
6. Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
It would have to be getting my first muscle up at this year’s Open. I didn’t really expect it but with everybody cheering, the adrenaline kicked in, and the next thing I knew I was locked out atop the bar and had just done my first muscle up. One of the neat things was how excited everyone was for me; which, kind of sums up why C3 is so special.
7. What is your least favorite WOD to date?
Hard to name a specific one. There have been a few where mid-WOD I am planning a strategy of how I can best get to the nearest trashcan if needed…these WODs have usually included some form of burpees. I have done 2 Murphs, and they were not my least favorite WODs, but they were real challenges for me. The 1st Murph took me 72 minutes, and this year was just over 60 minutes. For me, that is a long time to be grinding out a workout!
8. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
Brian does a great job with the programming, teaching and emphasizing proper technique, and making you feel welcome (as does Morgan)!. And, as everyone says, it’s the people. Everyone is friendly, encouraging and just plain nice! To me it replicates the feeling I have had of being part of a sports team. The shared sweat, blood, failures and triumphs really create a bond with the other members.
9. Favorite exercise?
Doing post-WOD bicep curls with Braeden! Just kidding. I like the power lifts: dead lifts, power cleans, clean and jerk.
10. Least favorite exercise?
Burpees., and devil presses are definitely the first that come to mind!