Congratulations to Joy Klas Reynolds – our December Athlete of the Month! Joy is a determined mother, wife, and athlete. She has been with us at Capital City CrossFit for 3.5 years, and in that time Joy has seen great strides in her physical fitness. She continues to get stronger with her lifts, and her gymnastics skill have really taken off recently. Joy is in tune with her exercise intensity threshold and how and when it is smart to go past it. She has a very good sense of when to push it and when to back off in order to successfully complete her workouts. You wouldn’t know it, but Joy works through scoliosis and doesn’t let it stop her from tackling any movements. Joy is not afraid to put her fitness to the test either, as she has competed in Festivus Games and the 2018 and 2019 WODtoberFest competitions. She is a great example to the boys who she and her husband JD are raising. Greg can often be found running laps, performing burpees, or doing box jump overs at the gym. Even little Zeke can often be found throwing around a PVC pipe every now and then! Staying consistent at C3 and committed to their health are just a few of the many ways Joy and JD are great examples to these young men. Keep up the great work, Joy!
In general, what is your background?I moved around a lot as a kid, but somehow ended up at Eastern Illinois for college. I took a job here in Springfield a few years later and have been here ever since. I met JD in 2014 and eventually got married and now we have three boys that keep us on our toes. Age, Occupation?I’m 35 and the property analyst for Memorial. It’s basically accounting and contract management. How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?I’ve always been involved in sports and am highly competitive. After college I began running and eventually moved to traditional weightlifting. I was convinced I didn’t need CrossFit. It took JD three years to convince me to try a class. I did about a month of drop ins and then signed up for On Ramp. How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?I’ve got scoliosis and after having my first kid, I was really struggling with pain and doing just every day tasks. The first time I tried to deadlift I couldn’t pick up the bar. CrossFit not only taught me to listen to my body, but I’m able to lift and perform movements that I never thought I would be capable of. It got me through a pregnancy, the recovery and now I can carry two 2 year olds down the stairs on a regular basis. Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.I really want to get a handstand push-up. Being upside down scares me but I’m really tired of not being able to do the HSPU WODS. Favorite CrossFit moment so far?It’s a tie between convincing JD to compete with me twice and completing 20.2 RX’d. What is your least favorite WOD to date?Honestly anything with Thrusters. What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?The community is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Everyone is so welcoming and supportive. I love that we cheer each other on mid WOD and ask where someone’s been and if they are alright if they’ve missed a few days. You walk in and to me it feels like family. Favorite exercise?Power Cleans and Deadlifts Least favorite exercise?Squat Cleans, Clusters and Burpees |