REMINDER: In addition to the Track WODs, from here on out we will also be posting some extra strength work that will fit in with our regular programming.
Track WOD – Week 7
6 x 400m Run w/ 60 seconds rest between efforts – All efforts should be done at Goal Mile Pace.
20 minute run for distance. Strong and steady, see how far you can get.
A1. 4 x 6 Bench Press w/ 4 second decent to chest @ 65-70-75-75% -or- 7-8 RPE (Heavier than last week)
A2. 4 x 6 Chin-ups w/ 4 second negative (weighted if possible)
B1. 5 x 3 Speed Back Squats @ 60-70%
- slow decent down, 1 second hold at bottom, fast up
B2. 5 x 5 Depth Jumps off 20″ box to max vertical
- minimal contact with floor
B3. 5 x 10-15 GHD Sit-ups