Friday August 12th, 2016

Reminder that there will be NO CLASS on Saturday August 13th.  Come check out the 2016 Battle for the Hill at the Illinois State Fairgrounds!

Unilateral Strength

A1. 3 x 10/10 One-armed Kb Strict Press (10 each arm) – As heavy as possible

A2. 3 x 20 One-Armed Overhead Lunge (Switch arms after ten lunges) – As heavy as possible

Partner WOD


A. 12 alternating rounds (6 each partner) for time:

  • 18/15 Calorie Row
  • 9 Bar Hopping Burpees

-Rest 5 minutes-

B. For time:

  • 36 Calorie Row
  • 18 Bar Hopping Burpees


A. 12 alternating rounds (6 each partner) for time:

12/9 Calorie Row
6 Bar Hopping Burpees
-Rest 5 minutes-

B. For time:

24 Calorie Row
12 Bar Hopping Burpees

Post your individual time for part B on SugarWOD.

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