Happy Holidays from Capital City CrossFit!
“12 Days of CrossFit 2017”
- 1 Clean and Jerk (135#/93#)
- 2 Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees
- 3 Push Press (135#/93#)
- 4 Pistols (sub 2 count lunges)
- 5 Waaaaallllll Baaaalllllls! (20#/14#)
- 6 Pull-ups
- 7 Deadlifts (135#/93#)
- 8 DB Snatches (50#/35#)
- 9 Toes-2-Bar
- 10 Front Squats (135#/93#)
- 11 Clapping Push-ups
- 12 oz. Cold Beer (sub 500m row)
Go through the exercises as if you were singing the popular Christmas tune “12 Days of Christmas.” Start with one clean and jerk, then two burpees and one clean and jerk, then three push presses, two burpees, and one clean and jerk..