Tuesday February 6th, 2018

Partner WOD

Working at the same time, each partner must complete the following for time:

  • 1000m Row + 100 Double Unders
  • 800m Row + 80 Double Unders
  • 600m Row + 60 Double Unders
  • 400m Row + 40 Double Unders
  • 200m Row + 20 Double Unders

Partners will start at different task – Partner A will start with a 1k row while Partner B complete 100 double unders, then they will switch once both partners have completed their task.  Round two, Partner A will complete 800m Row while Partner B completes 80 double unders, then they will switch.  Continue in this format until completed.

Strength/Midline Accessory

3 sets:

  • 12-15 Seated DB Z Press
  • 50 Russian Twists w/ Plate

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