Congratulations to Ben McGill, our December Athlete of the Month! Ben, a Springfield Police Officer and SWAT tam member, has been with Capital City CrossFit for just over two years. Since joining, Ben has been a consistent, fun loving member of the C3 community. He is genuinely supportive to all other athletes around him, and he has been a strong advocate for Capital City CrossFit.
Ben has worked extremely hard since joining C3 and it has been great to see his progression as an athlete. He continues to get stronger while also acquiring many physical skills such as pull-ups, toes-2-bar, and handstand push-ups. These movements were far from a reality when Ben first started his CrossFit journey, but through hard work and smart goal setting, Ben has made these weaknesses a strength. We look forward to watching Ben’s continued progress for years to come.
Congratulations Ben on the well deserved honor!
In general, what is your background?
I was born and raised here in Springfield. I went to Lanphier High School and then went to college at the U of I. I am a huge Illini fan and try to make as many games as possible.
Age, Occupation?
I am 33 years old and have been a Police Officer at the Springfield Police Department for 11 years. I am also a member of the Emergency Response Team (SWAT Team), which CrossFit has played an important role in.
How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
Joe Reidy had been on my about joining C3 for a while. When I started dating Maddy’s friend Laura, I realized it was inevitable and joined.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
CrossFit has made me much more consistent in working out. The people here keep me coming back and accountable. It is great having a consistent workout schedule and having everything already planned out. I am very pleased with my fitness level, and I hope to keep it up for years to come. I think what amazes me most is the range of motion and flexibility that I now have. Even though I don’t have the greatest range of motion or flexibility, it is 100 times better than it has ever been in my life.
Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
I usually try to set small attainable goals and work towards them as much as I can. A recurring goal since I started was to do a muscle-up. I managed to get a few just a short time ago, so now I think my #1 goal will be to be able to them consistently.
Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
My favorite moment that I can remember was my first RX workout. It had handstand pushups in the workout. At the end I had hit muscle failure and wasn’t able to crank out the last few reps. I was going to quit, but the fellow classmates wouldn’t let me. They forced me to crank out those last few reps and make it my first official RX workout. It still sticks in my mind.
What is your least favorite WOD to date?
I don’t remember a specific WOD that I hated, but it probably had the assault bike in it.
What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
The best thing about C3 is the people. They are the most supportive and fun group of people I have ever been a part of. It is great that I can hang out with a group of people that enjoy fitness, but also aren’t afraid to participate in an awesome game of flippy cup when needed.
Favorite exercise?
My favorite exercise is probably the front squat. I just feel like I’m in complete control when I’m holding the weight and squatting down.
Least favorite exercise?
My least favorite exercise would have to be the burpee. It is a cardio menace that pops up all too often. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.