Congratulations to Patrick Rotherham aka Junior – our August Athlete of the Month! Patrick has been at Capital City CrossFit for about three years now. A faithful member of the 815am Brunch Brigade, Patrick takes very few days off despite being busy with college and work. Patrick brings a youthful energy to each class he attends. He is motivated and always looking to improve. One things that stands out with Patrick is that he takes coaching and instruction very well, and is never afraid to ask questions. Since beginning at C3, Junior has made significant progress to not only his performance metrics, but also his general health. Through hard work, he continues to get stronger and he is constantly adding new skills to his CrossFit repertoire such as handstand push-ups, chest-2-bar pull-ups and the like. Patrick competed in his first competition last April at the Festivus Games hosted by C3 and he made us all proud. Keep up the strong work Junior!
In general, what is your background?
I grew up here in Springfield, going to Chatham schools. I grew up playing a sport or two and enjoyed fishing and doing other stuff with my dad. While I still enjoy doing these things, I’m getting older and have been focusing more time into work, school, diet and exercise. About three years ago I found Capital City CrossFit from my dad who was a member, and have loved it ever since! CrossFit was a nice alternative to the sports I had played when I was younger.
Age, Occupation?
I am 21 years old, my birthday was just this June, and it was a good 21st! Aside from being in school at UIS, I started selling appliances on Facebook marketplace about a year ago, and with the help of some friends and my dad, I set up my own small business. When I’m not working on a washer or dryer, I occasionally lend my dad a hand with his rental properties.
How did you get to know about CrossFit and why did you start?
My dad first introduced me to the idea of CrossFit about 3 years ago. After shooting him down a few times, I finally gave it a try and instantly took a liking to it. Aside from enjoying the struggle, my biggest reason for continuing to do CrossFit is because it helps make me a better person inside and out. With CrossFit I’ve been able to create a healthier lifestyle all while getting into better shape.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, level of fitness?
CrossFit for me was the foundation I needed to take initiative in my life. I knew things like diet and exercise were important, but I wasn’t doing enough on my own. CrossFit provided the routine I needed to get better and all I had to do was show up and give effort. CrossFit gave me the extra push I needed to get to where I wanted to be. My level of fitness has improved drastically since starting CrossFit, and I’m excited to see what the future brings!
Name one goal and/or personal record you would like to accomplish through CrossFit.
I’d say my biggest goal or motive for doing CrossFit is that I want to be more confident in my body as well as feel healthier. The feelings from both make it easier getting up and going to the gym.
Favorite CrossFit moment so far?
Fireball Friday. I did my first one two months ago!
What is your least favorite WOD to date?
My least favorite workout I ever did was on a open gym Thursday WOD. It consisted of weighted burpee step-ups, double-unders, biking, and these stupid PVC sit-ups that Brian thinks are fun but they’re not.
What do you like most about Capital City CrossFit?
My favorite part of Capital City is the people and the influence I receive. Getting where you want to be is ten times easier with the help and motivation of other people. When you go through the struggle together it’s always better, and without it, I wouldn’t have the motivation.
Favorite exercise?
Although an unpopular opinion, I love thrusters and how they engage the whole body. They suck during the WOD, but I feel good after.
Least favorite exercise?
I definitely have areas I struggle but I can’t really think of much that I don’t like. If I don’t like it, it’s probably because it’s a weakness. Muscle-ups aren’t quite there yet for me and handstand push-ups can be a challenge as well.