Brian Chandler

Friday April 1st, 2016

Strength/Gymnastics 6 sets: 5 Clean Grip Deadlifts @ 6-8 RPE (building) Rest :30 5 Challenging Kipping Handstand Push-ups (Parallette, deficit, standard) – Scale to 2-3 Wall Climbs with :20-:30 hold at top. Rest :60-:90 Conditioning Reps of 21-18-15-12-9 for time: Toes-2-Bar Complete 50 Double Unders between each set (4 sets total)

Monday March 28th, 2016

Strength Back Squat A. 12 minutes to work up to heavy but not maximal set of 5 (9 RPE) This should be accomplished in 5-6 sets. B. 4 x 5 @ 75% of A – Rest :60-:90 between each set. Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 20 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 6 Power Cleans (185#/123#, 155#/93#, 115#/73#)

Friday March 25th, 2016

WOD CrossFit Open 16.5 Rx’d Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (95#/63#) Bar Facing Burpees Intermediate Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (65#/45#) Bar Facing Burpees Scaled Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (45#/33#) Bar Facing Burpees  

Wednesday March 23rd, 2016

Beach Body/ Spring Break Series (Bi’s, Tri’s, Abs) Final Week! 3 sets of: Barbell Curls X 10 Close Grip Floor Press X 10 Windshield Wipers or Barbell Rollouts X 10 each or 10   Conditioning: “Annie” Reps of 50-40-30-20-10: Double Unders Abmat Sit ups   Sub Single-unders(double reps) or plate jumps

Tuesday March 22nd, 2016

Strength/ Skill: 12 Minute EMOM: Odds: Front Squat X 5 reps @ 8 RPE Even: 30 seconds of Double Under practice, or Strict Toes-to-Rings or Knees-to-Elbow   Conditioning: 20-15-10-5 of Thrusters @ (95/63),(75/45), (45/33) Alternate between 400 meter run and 500 meter row after each round (WOD ends with run or row)