Brian Chandler

Tuesday March 16th, 2016

Strength: Back Squat: 6 X 3 @ 8-9 RPE (starting point, 80% of 3RM/ 75% of 1RM)   Conditioning: 10 Minute AMRAP: 20 WallBalls(20/16), (16/12), (12/8) 10 Over the Box Jumps(24/20), (20/18), (18/12) –Over the Box Jumps can be scale/ subbed with Step-Ups

Saturday March 12th, 2016

Partner WOD With a partner, complete.. A) 10 alternating rounds (5 each partner) of: 6 Deadlifts (225#/153#, 185#/123#, 155#/103#) 9 Toes-2-Bar 12 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Then complete.. 120 Burpees between you and your partner – Split up any way you see fit. *30 minute time cap