WOD Blog

Wednesday June 22nd, 2016

Strength A1. Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2 @ 70%-75%-80%-85%-90% 1RM Rest :30 A2. 4 x 5 Tall Box Jumps – No power step, step down each rep. Rest :60 Conditioning 3 rounds, each for time – Begin each round every 5 minutes: 400m Run 50 Double Unders 15 Burpees  

Tuesday June 21st, 2016

Olympic 10 x 2 Snatch – Every :90, building to a heavy double Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 10 Kb Snatches – Right Arm 10 Alternating Overhead Kb Reverse Lunges – Right Arm 10 Kb Snatches – Left Arm 10 Alternating Overhead Kb Reverse Lunges – Left Arm Prescribed weight = 53#/35#

Saturday June 18th, 2016

  Partner WOD For time, each partner completes reps of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 of: Overhead Squats (115#/78#) Burpees Box Jumps (30#/24#) Once completed, finish with a 2k Row, alternating every 250m. *Note: Partner A completes 1 of each movement, then Partner B completes 1 of each movement, and so on.. 30 minute time cap.