WOD Blog

Saturday May 28th, 2016

Partner WOD With a partner, complete the following for time: Buy-in: 150/120 Calorie Row (135 for coed partners) Then complete Regional Individual Events 3 & 4: 104 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 52 Pull-ups 4 rounds: 28 Pistols/Reverse Goblet Lunges 15 Power Cleans (115#/78#) Partners may split up reps however they wish.

Saturday May 21st, 2016

Partner WOD 25 minute AMRAP: 50 Calorie Row 40 Alternating Pistols (sub 40 2-count lunges) 30 Hang Power Snatches (95#/63#) 20 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″) 10 Bar Muscle-ups (sub 10 jumping bar muscle-ups or 20 challenging pull-ups) On person working, while the other rests.