Monday April 4th, 2016
Strength Back Squat A. 12 minutes to build to heavy set of 5 @ 9 RPE B. 4 x 5 @ 80% of A Conditioning 4 rounds: 400m Run 15 Should-to-Overhead (115#/78#) 15 Box Jumps -Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
Strength Back Squat A. 12 minutes to build to heavy set of 5 @ 9 RPE B. 4 x 5 @ 80% of A Conditioning 4 rounds: 400m Run 15 Should-to-Overhead (115#/78#) 15 Box Jumps -Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
Endurance/Agility Choose one of the following: A) 5 x 200yd Shuttle Sprint (10 x 20 yd lengths) Rest :90 between sets -OR- B) 5 x 250m Row – Max Effort Rest 1 minute between sets Partner WOD 20 minute AMRAP – Alternate rounds of: 10 Alternating KB/DB Snatches (5 each arm) 10 Push-ups 10 Pistols/Weighted …
Strength/Gymnastics 6 sets: 5 Clean Grip Deadlifts @ 6-8 RPE (building) Rest :30 5 Challenging Kipping Handstand Push-ups (Parallette, deficit, standard) – Scale to 2-3 Wall Climbs with :20-:30 hold at top. Rest :60-:90 Conditioning Reps of 21-18-15-12-9 for time: Toes-2-Bar Complete 50 Double Unders between each set (4 sets total)
Strength/Gymnastics 15 minute EMOM: Minute 1 – Kb Bench Press x 10 @7-8 RPE Minute 2 – Double Kb Front Squat x 10 @7-8 RPE Minute 3 – Hollow Rock x 15-20 Repeat for 5 sets. Conditioning “Big Helen” 3 rounds for time: 400m Run 21 Kb Swings (70#/53#, 53#/35#, 44#/26#) 12 Chest-2-Bar Pull-ups/Pull-ups/Jumping Pull-ups …
Olympic Lifting Every :90 for 15 minutes, complete the following Snatch Complex 1 Snatch Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat Slowly build throughout the ten sets, finishing with a heavy yet manageable weight. Partner WOD 12 minute AMRAP: 25/20 Calorie Row Max Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″) -Both partners are working at …
Strength Back Squat A. 12 minutes to work up to heavy but not maximal set of 5 (9 RPE) This should be accomplished in 5-6 sets. B. 4 x 5 @ 75% of A – Rest :60-:90 between each set. Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 20 Wall Balls (20#/14#) 6 Power Cleans (185#/123#, 155#/93#, 115#/73#)
Announcement: Open gym will be cut an hour short on Sunday. Hours are 8am-9am. Partner WOD With a co-ed partner, complete the following for time: 8k Row* *Partners will alternating rowing duties every 2 minutes. After each row, complete the following: Rx’d – 15 KB Swings (60#/44#) + 15 Box Jumps (24″/20″) Intermediate – …
WOD CrossFit Open 16.5 Rx’d Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (95#/63#) Bar Facing Burpees Intermediate Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (65#/45#) Bar Facing Burpees Scaled Reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 for time: Thrusters (45#/33#) Bar Facing Burpees
Beach Body/ Spring Break Series (Bi’s, Tri’s, Abs) Final Week! 3 sets of: Barbell Curls X 10 Close Grip Floor Press X 10 Windshield Wipers or Barbell Rollouts X 10 each or 10 Conditioning: “Annie” Reps of 50-40-30-20-10: Double Unders Abmat Sit ups Sub Single-unders(double reps) or plate jumps
Strength/ Skill: 12 Minute EMOM: Odds: Front Squat X 5 reps @ 8 RPE Even: 30 seconds of Double Under practice, or Strict Toes-to-Rings or Knees-to-Elbow Conditioning: 20-15-10-5 of Thrusters @ (95/63),(75/45), (45/33) Alternate between 400 meter run and 500 meter row after each round (WOD ends with run or row)