Headed to Madison: Three C3 Members hired to work at the CrossFit Games At this time each year, the worldwide CrossFit community becomes adrenalized for the CrossFit Games, the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earth™. Most will only be involved as spectators, in the stands, or in their living rooms, an elite …

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Saturday July 28th, 2018

Team WOD In teams of four, complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of: 250m Row 15 DB Thrusters (50#/35#) 100yd Shuttle Run (5 x 20 yd) Rest Each athlete will start at a different station.  Once ALL athletes complete the task at their station, then all athletes will rotate to the next station.

Friday July 27th, 2018

Olympic Squat Cleans – Every Minute on the Minute: Minutes 1-3: 3 Reps @ 70% Minute 4: Rest Minutes 5-7: 2 Reps @ 75% Minute 8: Rest Minutes 9-11: 1 Reps @80-85% Conditioning Reps of 21-18-15-12-9: Hang Power Cleans (115#/83#) Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)