Wednesday July 18th, 2018

Accessory 12 minute EMOM: Minute 1: 10-15 Perfect Push-ups Minute 2: 10 Double Kb Bent Over Rows Minute 3: 15 V-ups Repeat for 4 rounds. Conditioning For time: 15 Clean and Jerks (155#/103#) 800m Run 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) 800m Run 15 Clean and Jerks

Monday July 16th, 2018

Strength Front Squat Every 2:30: 5 Reps @ 75% 1RM 1 Rep @ 80% 5 Reps @ 75% 1 Rep @ 85% 5 Reps @ 75% 1 Rep @ 90% Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 15 Hang Squat Clean (135#/93#) 7 Bar Muscle-ups *Scale bar MU’s to 15 C2B Pull-ups or 15 Pull-ups

Saturday July 14th, 2018

Partner WOD “Fat Kelly” With a partner, complete five rounds for time of: 400m Run 40 Box Jumps (30″/24″) 40 Wall Balls (30#/20#) Partners will complete the 400m runs together.  Box Jump and Wall Ball reps may be partitioned between partners as they see fit, with only one person working at a time.

Wednesday July 11th, 2018

Accessory 3 sets for quality: Alternating Single Arm DB Bench Press x 20 (10/10) Max Rep Chin-ups Weighted Sit-ups x 15-20 Conditioning “Bing Bang” from CompTrain 50 Power Cleans for time (185#/123#) Elite – 185#/123# Rx’d – 155#/103# Intermediate – 135#/93# Scaled < 115#/73# 10 minute time cap  

Tuesday July 10th, 2018

Strength Every 3 minutes for 18:00 (6 sets): Deadlift x 6-6-4-4-2-2 Dips x 8-12 *Deadlifts are intended to be touch and go.  Build to a heavy set of two. *Scaling for dips is Ring Dips→Bar Dips→Assisted Bar Dips→Bench/Box Dips Conditioning 12:00 AMRAP: 6 Strict Handstand Push-ups 12 Deadlifts (225#/153#) 30 Double Unders

Saturday July 7th, 2018

Partner WOD In 25:00, complete the following with a Partner: A. Complete 10 alternating rounds (5 each) of: 15 Kb Swings (60#/44#) 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″) B. With remaining time: Max Calorie Row For the row, switch with partner, whenever and however many times you wish.  Score is total number of calories.