Saturday March 31st, 2018

With Partners alternating tasks, accumulate as many calories as possible in 20:00 of: Task 1: 30 Double Unders 60yd Farmers Carry 30 Double Unders Task 2: Max Calorie Row Partner A will start with Task 1, while Partner B rows. Once Partner A completed Task 1, both partners will switch. Score = total calories  

Tuesday March 27th, 2018

Skill Pistol Progressions Conditioning With a partner, complete as many alternating rounds + reps of: 15/12 Calorie Row 12 Alternating Pistols 9 Handstand Push-ups Scaling: 12 Alternating Pistols → 12 Alternating weighted step-ups 9 Handstand Push-ups → 9 Pike Push-ups from Box → 9 DB Push Press

Wednesday March 21st, 2018

Strength A1. 4 x 8-10 RDL @ 40-50% 1RM DL Rest :60 A2. 4 x 8-10 Strict Pull-ups Rest :90 Conditioning For time: 75 Double Unders 30 Pull-ups 75 Double Unders 30 Power Cleans (155#/93#) 75 Double Unders 30 Pull-ups 75 Double Unders Scale Double Unders to 50 or 25, or 100 Single Unders