Saturday November 17th, 2018

Partner WOD CrossFit XLT Turkey Bash WOD 1 “Engine” 1k Row 50 Wallballs (20#/14#) 40 Toes-2-Bar / Knees-2-Chest 30 Shoulder-2-Overhead (155#/103#) (115#/73#) 20 Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees 10 Bar Muscle Up / 20 Pullups 20 Lateral Bar Hopping Burpees 30 Shoulder-2-Overhead (155#/103#) (115#/73#) 40 Toes-2-Bar / Knees-2-Chest 50 Wallballs (20#/14#) 1k Row Partners may split …

Saturday November 17th, 2018 Read More »

Friday November 16th, 2018

Strength A1. 4 x 5 Front Squat @ 7-8 RPE* -Rest :30 A2. 4 x 15-20 Weighted Sit-ups -Rest :90 *Note: For the front squats, your heaviest set should feel like you could complete 3 additional reps if needed. Conditioning Reps of 21-15-9 for time: Hang Power Cleans (135#/93#) Handstand Push-ups

Tuesday November 13th, 2018

Strength Strict Press x 5-3-3-1-1-1 Push Press x 3-3-3-1-1-1 Build to today’s heaviest Strict Press, and continue to build to today’s heaviest Push Press. Conditioning 4 x 3:00 AMRAP of: 5 Shoulder-2-Overhead (155#/103#) 7 Toes-2-Bar 9 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″) Rest 1:00 between each round. Start each AMRAP where you left off in the previous.

Friday November 9th, 2018

Strength A1. 4 x 3 Low Hang Power Snatch (@ knee) -Rest :30 A2. 4 x 12 (6/6) Single Arm KB OH Step-ups -Rest :60-:90 Conditioning Reps of 27-21-15-9 for time: Wall Balls (30#/20#) Alternating DB Snatches (50#/35#)

November 2018 Athletes of the Month – Danielle and Tate Hartman

Congratulations to our November Athletes of the Month – Danielle and Tate Hartman! Both Danielle and Tate are coming up on their one year anniversaries at Capital City CrossFit. Since joining they have immersed themselves into the C3 family, becoming integral members of our Community. Both can be found at the gym five or six …

November 2018 Athletes of the Month – Danielle and Tate Hartman Read More »

Wednesday November 7th, 2018

Strength A1. Deadlift 8 Reps @ 50% 6 Reps @ 60% 4 Reps @ 70% 2 x 3 @ 80% A2. 5 x 5-8 Weighted Bar Dips Conditioning 4 rounds – each for time: 300m/250m Row 15 Box Jumps (30″/24″) 10 Strict Handstand Push-ups *Rest 2:00 after each round.